Friday, March 4, 2011


Project Lifeboard offers you "options," but not "choice."

This week there was some good news in the world of Choice.  According to the NYC city council, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, pro-life organizations which disseminate ads like the one seen above, must now specify in their ads 1) what specific services they provide, and 2) whether or not they hold a medical license.  Baby steps, but steps in the right direction.  This is some progress, but I am far from satisfied, for numerous reasons.

These centers usually present themselves as medical clinics offering abortions and other pregnancy services, though their true purpose is to dissuade girls experiencing an unwanted pregnancy from having an abortion, and often to win Christian converts along the way.  Most centers are in fact unlicensed and staffed solely by religious volunteers and medical assistants – people who have had less than 6 months of medical training.  The only services offered are pregnancy tests and ultrasounds.  Even more absurd are the tactics used to wheedle girls into choosing to keep a baby:   “patients” at these centers are shown footage of a fetus’ beating heart, are encouraged to marry the baby’s biological father, and receive blatantly incorrect medical information about the dangers of having an abortion. 

According to the website of Ramah International, an alliance of pregnancy centers,  there are a few things I should know if I am considering an abortion:  1)  Abortion is a risky procedure, often performed in unsanitary conditions.  2)  Following an abortion, I am 33% more likely to experience an ectopic pregnancy, 50% more likely to develop breast cancer, and 600% more likely to experience abruptio placenta. 3)  Following an abortion, I have a 50% chance of developing “Post-Abortion Syndrome,” which leads to depression, anxiety, and suicide.  4) My fetus can feel pain beginning at 9 weeks.  And, most ridiculous, 5) I should first take a pregnancy test at the center, because THE DOCTOR WHO TOLD ME I WAS PREGNANT MAY HAVE LIED IN ORDER TO SELL ME AN ABORTION.

These claims are all false, as well as ridiculous (honestly, has a doctor ever told someone he had cancer in order to “sell” him a surgery?)  It is one thing to run an establishment dedicated to spewing hellfire and damnation of the religious variety on women who are in genuine distress.  It is quite another, however, to disseminate deliberately false medical information in an effort to terrify and manipulate women into making what will probably be one of the most important decision of their lives.  Imagine a scared, pregnant 16-year-old girl entering what she thinks is a medical clinic, being told that she has a ~50% chance of dying from the long-term effects of an abortion, and making a decision to keep and raise a baby based on that information.

But lest you think that this is the last stop on the Crazy Train, 20 US states currently provide funding for these Crisis Pregnancy Centers (my own native Georgia being one of them).  These are tax dollars, being spent on a service that masquerades as something it’s not and then lies directly to its clients.  This is like spending state money on a fire station which pretends to be a restaurant and then tells customers that too much friction during sex will cause a forest fire.  And these are the tax dollars we can’t afford to allocate for family planning.

Though NYC has voted to begin regulating its centers’ advertising and similar measures have been enacted in Maryland, such legislation has failed in most staes.  Nationwide, crisis pregnancy centers outnumber abortion clinics 4 to 1, and receive approximately $25 million of state and federal assistance.  Using tax funds to encourage teens to marry and raise children, without providing them with the appropriate pre- or post-natal care or contraceptive options?  Makes fiscal sense to me.

Pregnant?  Alone?  Confused?  For the love of God, go to a real doctor.


  1. "This is like spending state money on a fire station which pretends to be a restaurant and then tells customers that too much friction during sex will cause a forest fire."

    otherwise, i'm so appalled.
    rather than pursuing PCP fascists under federal and state false advertising statues, states & congress are
    1. mostly continuing to fund them (except for texas, where they did cut funding in January)
    2. defs cutting funding for planned parenthood
    3. introducing bills like the SD one that enforce wait times under the pretext of getting a "second opinion".

    Also, check out this dude's blog, you should become buddies:

  2. FYI, here is data on federal funding for various organizations, including CPCs. Can make a graph or sth...
